Friday, September 21, 2007

Just Think

While studying for my psychology exam last night, I got to thinking, how important is studying? While trying to cram all of this information for my exam, I became overwhelmed. I never realized how much reading and studying was required for this coarse. As I previously mentioned, psychology is my major. I always had an interest in psychology, mainly forensic psychology. I always just knew I wanted to study that field in college. Yet, I never realized, until last night, that psychology involved so much biology. Learning all of the parts of the brain, ear, and eyes, is all a part of psychology. It makes sense that you would need to know those things because it is all a part of how a person functions. Then I got to thinking, my career is going to begin in just four short years. I know college just began for me, but the future is closer than you think. Studying for these exams, and passing these exams are going to shape my future. So then I started to panic. After a while, I calmed down, and just realized that all I have to do is study and do my best. Yes, this exam means a lot, but it is just one test, there will be others. This does not mean to not take it seriously, but to just do your best. You should not make yourself sick over a test.

Do not get me wrong, studying is very important for your present and future career. Reading and studying is going to play a huge role in the next four years of my life and everyone Else's', but it should not control your life. There should be time to have fun, enjoy life, and carry out a social life. College is about multi-tasking. Make room for fun, but then quiet time for your studies.


New classes. New friends. New schedule. New clubs. New organizations. New buildings. New people. New professors. New scenery. New environment. New life. College.

Transitioning into college is a process that took a few weeks. The first day of college was a little frightening because I was used to my old ways, seeing familiar faces and knowing my way around. Now, in college, everything is different and I'm new at it all. I went from being the oldest in the school to being a nobody on a new campus. Change is always good, it just takes some adjusting to. When I got to my first class i was petrified because I was not familiar with the building and I just hoped that I was in the right place. Once I got to my first class, I saw some people I had met at orientation and I felt a lot better because I was not alone anymore. As my day went on I started seeing more and more people I knew and things were looking on the bright side. Most of my friends had gone away to college and others stayed home, but just went to a different college. I missed not being with them in all of my high school classes, but it was time for a change. Do not get me wrong, I miss senior year, it was one of the best years of my life, but it is now time to move on to bigger and better things.
School has been in session for about a month now and I feel like I have been here forever. I met so many people and made so many new friendships. I also gained the position of Student Government Secretary for St. John's College. I am already making a difference in my college. I am also in the process of joining a sorority. Through the sorority I have made many new close relationships. Besides the social aspects of college, I am focusing on my studies. I am a psychology major and loving it so far. This field is quite challenging, but it interests me, so I am enjoying what i study.
As you can see, I am trying to make the best out of my college career, and just think, it is only the beginning!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Why I Write

It is midnight and I am reliving my day. I am thinking of all the possibilities in a day. I sit down, pen in hand and let go. I am comfortable, I am myself.
I write to relax. I write to escape. I write to reveal my true feelings. I write because I love. I write to feel at home. I write to be open. I write to receive peace. I write to learn. I write to grow. I write to help. I write to be emotional. I write to keep me calm. I write to get out my hatred. I write to educate. I write because maybe then my dreams will come true. I write because if it’s on paper then it has a possibility of becoming reality. I write to learn what is worthy in education. I write to hear lyrics. I write to forgive. I write to express. I write because people will better understand me. I write to be happy. I write because there are some things that just cannot be said. I write out anger and turn it into beauty. I write because I am hurt and scared and I do not know what else to do. I write to point out my flaws. I write to show off my talent. I write as if my pen is dancing on the paper. I write to make mistakes. I write to correct mistakes. I write knowing the consequences of my words. I write to smile and make others smile. I write because maybe one day my words will be heard and all my dreams can come true. I write to be random. I write just because.

Never Forgotten

It is six years ago today that our lives changed forever. I remember it like it was yesterday, and I'm sure so does everyone else. I remember every detail. I was in seventh grade at the time and I was in gym class. Every few minutes students names were being called on the loud speaker and they were to go down to the office. I was one of the last names to be called and by that time the classes were empty. We all sat there wondering what had happened because no one informed us of the occurrences. Finally I was called and met my grandfather in the lobby and he told me what had happened. I immediately broke into tears because my father is a New York City Fire Department Captain. My mother was at work at the time and I called her to make sure my father was okay. She told me that my father and my Uncle Micheal, his brother, who was also a firefighter, were going to the city to help out. At this time not both of the towers had fallen. My father said he had to go his "brothers" were all down there and he had to help. I did not get a chance to say goodbye and we had no means of contact with him so I was very upset. My mother and I sat the whole day and night just watching the news and the updates of the tragedy. We had no idea where my father or uncle were. As we watched, buildings continued to fall in and around where the towers were. We just watched the news and prayed to God that my dad and uncle were okay. My dad did not come home for another two days. We finally got in contact with him the next morning. He and his brother were okay, they had slept at a nearby firehouse. When my dad called he also told us that he would not be home for a few days because he was involved in the search for victims. Every day for two months my dad was down there involved in search efforts. Stories about what he had to witness have scared me and definitely him. My father has not been the same since that day. While searching he said he would just find random body parts and pieces of clothing, but never a survivor. He lost many of his friends that day and had to attend many funerals. I am one of the lucky ones, as selfish as it sounds. I do not know what I would do if I lost my father that day.

Everyone's life changed that day, regardless of they lost a loved one, a friend, or no one. The country as a whole suffered and suffers still today. Today we relive that pain. We remember everyone, and all we can do is pray for them. They all are heroes in our eyes. They are and we always be greatly missed and never forgotten.