Friday, September 21, 2007


New classes. New friends. New schedule. New clubs. New organizations. New buildings. New people. New professors. New scenery. New environment. New life. College.

Transitioning into college is a process that took a few weeks. The first day of college was a little frightening because I was used to my old ways, seeing familiar faces and knowing my way around. Now, in college, everything is different and I'm new at it all. I went from being the oldest in the school to being a nobody on a new campus. Change is always good, it just takes some adjusting to. When I got to my first class i was petrified because I was not familiar with the building and I just hoped that I was in the right place. Once I got to my first class, I saw some people I had met at orientation and I felt a lot better because I was not alone anymore. As my day went on I started seeing more and more people I knew and things were looking on the bright side. Most of my friends had gone away to college and others stayed home, but just went to a different college. I missed not being with them in all of my high school classes, but it was time for a change. Do not get me wrong, I miss senior year, it was one of the best years of my life, but it is now time to move on to bigger and better things.
School has been in session for about a month now and I feel like I have been here forever. I met so many people and made so many new friendships. I also gained the position of Student Government Secretary for St. John's College. I am already making a difference in my college. I am also in the process of joining a sorority. Through the sorority I have made many new close relationships. Besides the social aspects of college, I am focusing on my studies. I am a psychology major and loving it so far. This field is quite challenging, but it interests me, so I am enjoying what i study.
As you can see, I am trying to make the best out of my college career, and just think, it is only the beginning!

1 comment:

breana said...

Since not only did i have to make this transition also, i made it with you. We wen't for being high school friends to being college friends. I can see how the transition has affected both of us. I can also see how you are transitioning to this new life we have to live.