Monday, November 26, 2007

Deck the Halls

" 'Tis the season to be jolly Fla la la la la la la la ..."

This song, along with many others, can now be heard on the radio for the holiday season. Although Thanksgiving was only a few days ago, constant reminds of Christmas are around and out in full force. I work at a bakery, which is the busiest during the holiday season. In fact, me, along with every other co- worker, dread the holidays because of the crowds. From Thanksgiving until New Years day it is pure chaos at the bakery. Baking none stop, making bows and holiday ribbon non stop, decorating non-stop, it just does not end! It is exhausting! From gingerbread houses to pies all day is a holiday feast! On top of all of this chaos, we have to listen to Christmas music all day, every day. My first year at the bakery I enjoyed the Christmas music, but now my fourth Christmas at the bakery, I am very sick of Christmas music. They call me the Grinch at work, but my reasoning for hating the music is because they play maybe twenty songs and when they run out they play the same ones over and over again and it gets to me. Another factor that makes me the Grinch is the fact that not only do we work during the holiday season, we work on the actually holidays, and it is not just a few hours, it is a nine hour shift at the least! On Christmas Eve we work from 6AM until 7PM, that is a 13 hour shift on Christmas! Maybe now people will understand why I am known as the Grinch! The only person that gets me through these kind of days is my friend Angela. I have worked with her for all my four years. Ang is three years older than me and I look up to her as if she was my older sister. We have become so close from working together, in fact we went on vacation together this past summer. Despite all the negative aspects of working at the bakery, I have met some amazing people who are very important figures in my life. I cannot see my life without the bakery in it. We have become a family, we share a bond that no one will understand unless you were one of us. I mean we are a family, we even spend the holidays together!

"Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!"

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