Thursday, October 18, 2007


As a member of the sorority Phi Eta Chi, one of our letters stands for charity. This being said, we participate monthly in charity events. The month of October is breast cancer awareness month and the breast cancer walk is being held Sunday morning at Cloves Lakes Park. Myself, along with the whole sorority, which is about sixty girls, are all walking in this walk to support women everywhere. Participating in this walk shows our support to women everywhere. We also contribute a good amount of money for research. This will not be the first time I have done this walk. One of my neighbors died of breast cancer about two years ago, and the whole block started up a team for the walk and always raise the most money for the research. It is not a competition, because whatever money you can contribute counts, but it feels nice to know you will be helping a lot of women with all that money. Breast Cancer is a deadly disease among women everywhere. Every woman should contribute to this months cause, it is just the right thing to do.

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