Tuesday, October 2, 2007


"Happiness cannot come from without. It must come from within. It is not what we see and touch or that which others do for us which makes us happy; it is that, which we think and feel and does,
first for the other fellow then for ourselves” -Helen Keller

Many of us spend a lifetime searching for happiness. We chase ideal dreams, religions and even
other people, in hope that our emptiness would soon go away. What’s ironic is that only place we ever needed to search was ourselves.

Happiness is as simple as driving on a pretty road or hearing our favorite song on the radio. It can be watching the sunset as the wind blows through our hair. Happiness is having a “girl’s night” with our favorite girls. Happiness can be the feeling we get after the first drop on a roller coaster, or even lying in bed listening to the rain fall.

Our happiness may mean absolutely nothing to others, but the world to ourselves. Our happiness may consist of hearing a bird sing on a bright summer day, while others don’t find joy in such a thing. We may absolutely love being held by someone we care about, while others just do not find comfort.

Maybe we’ll always remember that “first kiss,” while other people just don’t seem to care. It’s not about opening hundreds of presents on Christmas day. It’s not about shopping with the money that grandma gives us every year. It’s about sitting around the table with the family. It’s about watching our family member’s faces as they open our gifts. It’s not about worrying about saying the wrong thing. It’s knowing you’ve done the right thing no matter what people think

Finding happiness is like finding ourselves. We don’t find happiness, we make happiness; we choose happiness. It’s a process of discovering our own inner person, who we want to be and paving the way to happiness by doing what brings us the most meaning in our lives.

1 comment:

Shaun said...

I really like your point of view. Iam pretty religious so I tend to fell somewhat differently but I completely understand where you are coming from,