Thursday, October 11, 2007

Music in Me

Music has a hold on people. Music can bring people together; it can make people grow apart. Lyrics are even more powerful. Hearing one simple song on the radio can change your life. You can feel like that song was written for you, because you can relate to it. You realize you are not the only one with these problems. Music is so strong. It is not just about entertaining. Artists want their fans to relate to them. Their music reaches out to the fans. When you find a favorite song, no matter what point in time, no matter where you are you can remember the first time you heard the song, where you were, and what you were feeling. It is crazy that such a simple thing, a song, can have a power like that. Hearing that song, makes you relive everything from that time. Emotions spring from music, whether you want to admit it or not. Also, if you noticed, most music is about love. Lyrics are the artists’ way of professing their feelings, or their stories. You just happen to enjoy them and relate to them. Music can also be the key to someone’s heart. A song can mean everything to a couple, it’s their “thing” and it means everything to them. Also at parties, sweet sixteen’s, and such, friends come together for “their” song. It is just how it is. Music is a lot more important than you thought it would be. Music can take a toll on you; the emotions that take over you cannot be helped.

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